Music to serve . Music to heal . Music to enjoy . Music to inspire
Who We Are
Bringing Hope for A Better World
Founded in 2003, PMA Music Foundation (PMF) works with renowned musicians and inspirational figures around the world to touch lives through music, to bring hope and care to the needy ones. As of today, having organized over 160 events in Hong Kong, the beneficiaries comprised more than 20 local or global social organizations which serve children of blind, deaf, autism, mentally or physically handicapped, cancer, illiterates, children from deprived family as well as the elderly. PMF also founded the Metropolitan Youth Orchestra of Hong Kong which became an independent charity in 2007.
Event Calendar
Press Release & Article
2022 - 5 - 1 香港電台 - The Works - 節目重溫
2022 - 3 - 18 香港經濟日報 《自閉兒不是負累 及早介入培養自理發掘不同天賦》
2022 - 2 - 14 香港電台 - 藝壇快訊 《認識音樂天使樂團》- 節目重溫
2021 - 10 - 21 星島親子王 Vol.595 《音樂助自閉童成長 一家三口玩樂團增交流》訪問影片
2021 - 10 - 20 香港經濟日報 《1歲半懂500英文生字被誤診弱智 父母靠音樂發展高功能自閉兒潛能》
2021 - 8 - 20 新城財經台 《體藝文情》
2021 - 5 - 10 am730 《迪士尼夥共融樂團演繹《A Whole New World》宣揚共融》
2021 - 5 - 10 香港經濟日報 《林奕匡迪士尼樂園拍MV憶學生歲月 Phil夥殘障樂手合奏推動共融》
2021 - 5 - 10 晴報 《迪士尼夥共融樂團重新演繹《阿拉丁》名曲 見證自閉樂手努力克服限制》
2021 - 2 - 26 文匯報 《傷健共融譜出多元音樂世界 樂手跨越障礙創造完整人生》
"Music is the movement of sound to reach the soul
for the Education of its virtue"
Contact Us
Get in touch with PMF Music Foundation to discover more about our work and how to donate. We thank you for your support.
6th Floor, Hecny Tower, 9 Chatham Road South, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong
+852 2521 7673
+852 2521 6928